Introduce yourself: who are you and what do you do within TLF?
I am Dhruman Daxini, also known as Duppu among friends, a level 2 Quintiq Specialist. I have been associated with TLF for almost 2 years now. My love and passion for solving puzzles and implementing solutions made me join TLF and the challenging work has always been a source of motivation to work harder and better.
What do you like about your particular role?
Working as a Quintiq Specialist means solving big and complex puzzles and creating impactful solutions. Most importantly, helping customers achieve their business goals. Understanding such complex puzzles and then creating applications to make puzzles easily plannable for our customers just keep me motivated to become a better QS every day. Not everyone gets such opportunities to make an impact at such a huge level.
What’s your favorite part about working for TLF overall, please explain.
My favorite part about working with TLF is that in spite of my tender age (although being 22, I consider myself a kid.. 😉 ) the kind of exposure, opportunities, challenges and respect I have been getting is just amazing. I get to know and learn a lot from experienced people from different cultures and different profiles. In TLF, my views and opinions are being heard, the best part being the open-door culture, where I can reach out to anyone and everyone, even the CEO or any board member directly. Also, with TLF, it’s not only about work, frequent outings and trips make work life more enjoyable.
Who are you outside of TLF? Family/ friends, etc. How would they describe you?
Outside TLF, I am an ideal child of my parents :p, ideal elder brother for my twin brother and sister and a funny and smart friend for many. At least, this is all I (would like to) believe. Physically I am very lazy (my mind runs everywhere all the time though :p). I like to speak less and listen more (except when I am with my best friends, obviously.)
What do you like to do for fun/hobbies?
Like every other Indian boy, I love Cricket, playing, watching… in all forms. I like to brainstorm things a lot. One of my weaknesses is the utter desire to always be aware of everything going around me, which leads me to read news and current affairs a lot. Apart from work, I love being in and around nature (jungles, mountains, lakes). If given a chance, my dream home would be on the banks of a river inside a forest, away from all the worldly attractions.
Any fun hidden talent or skillsets?
I believe I can act quite well. I had won some stage plays and fashion shows during my college days. Also planning and managing things, events, programs or people is something that interests me. I have been convener of a 30 member committee which was answerable to students for the day to day problems faced by them in hostels. I have also organized many festival celebrations and cultural events successfully during my college days. Also, I think I can read other person’s body language well which helps me a lot in my everyday life.
A message to all?
Live in PRESENT. Follow your PASSION. Give your best shot in the current circumstances and you never know you can be at the top of the world someday. 😉
And yes, everything happens for a REASON. 🙂
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