Introduce yourself: who are you and what do you do within TLF?
I am Malou de Koning and working as a Project Manager at TLF. Initially I joined TLF as PMO in 2017 but started doing PM tasks and projects since April 2018. I am also the resource coordinator who arranges all planning assignments with Delmia Quintiq and other customers.
What do you like about your particular role?
I like the diversity of being a PM and Resource Coordinator. Whereas PM I am working in a team and we are all achieving the same goals. As Resource Coordinator I am working with the management team to make sure everyone has an assignment. In both roles, I have the ability to continuously improve processes, systems, and way of working. That is where my passion lies, to excel in what we do.
What’s your favorite part about working for TLF overall, please explain.
When I decided to work for TLF I was looking for an organization that was smaller in terms of the number of employees and that values the opinion of their employees. I like the short communication lines with each other and the Board.
I also like that although we are growing at a rapid pace we try to keep the ‘family’ traditions like having lunch together, going out for dinner, etc.
Who are you outside of TLF? Family/ friends, etc. How would they describe you?
Outside of TLF I am living together with my partner in a village about 25 minutes from our office. I think (hope) my family and friends describe me as a funny, nice and a caring person.
Honestly, I don’t think there is much of a difference between who I am at work versus outside of TLF. What you see is what you get. 😉
What do you like to do for fun/hobbies?
I used to play field hockey and was very passionate about it. In college you could almost find me every day on the pitch. Slowly that changed and now you can find me irregularly in the gym (not a big fan). What I do like to do is hang out with friends at a bar or restaurant, working in the garden and discovering new TV-series or films.
Any fun hidden talent or skillsets?
Maybe a bit gross, but I can dislocate my thumbs.
A message to all?
Life is short, so enjoy it! Enjoy the work that you do. Enjoy your life. And always try every day to get the best out of yourself.
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