Introduce yourself: Who are you and what do you do within TLF?
My name is Derek Bradley, and I am a Client and Sales Executive in North America. My background is in heavy civil construction management. I joined The Logic Factory in June of 2019 where I started as a Project Manager. I transitioned into account management during 2022 and have been enjoying the challenge ever since.
What do you like about your particular role?
I enjoy engaging with people across the world and building relationships both internally and externally. In my role, I work closely with just about everyone at TLF in some capacity – from the back office all the way through the project teams. We have amazing customers with diverse businesses and challenges to solve, new ideas, and different personalities that I get to regularly interact with. It keeps my work dynamic and exciting!
What’s your favorite part about working for TLF overall, please explain.
My favorite part about working for TLF is my colleagues. We have a great team that truly enjoys what they do and shares the same work ethic. I have the pleasure of working with some of the smartest people I know with diverse expertise, interests, and backgrounds. We have some great conversations during lunch or while traveling!
Who are you outside of TLF? Family/ friends, etc. How would they describe you?
Outside of TLF, I share my life with my wife, our son, and our 2 dogs. I was born, raised, and currently reside in southern New Jersey. My family and friends would probably describe me as altruistic but also intense because I don’t know how to relax. There’s always so much I want to do or work on!
What do you like to do for fun/hobbies?
I developed an obsession with skateboarding and motocross at a young age and have built my personal life around those activities. Most of my free time is filled with enjoying outdoor activities together with family and friends. I also like exploring the country in our camper and cooking.
Any fun hidden talent or skillsets?
I’m a capable builder and fabricator. I’ve been working on everything I could get my hands on, learning new trades, and investing in equipment since childhood. Learn to use your hands and brain!
A message to all?
You never know until you try.
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